Thanks again to my new friends Tom and Jane for the hospitality last night. Very caring, offering me a hot shower, good conversation, fresh brewed coffee in the morning etc. Tom even assisted in finding an nice level area on the lawn to pitch the tent. One small detail was forgotten...... the sprinklers came on at 1:00 AM. With zero chance of rain, I didn't put the fly on the tent. Big mistake. It took 3 passes before I realized what was happening. Below was my solution. Water bottles on the sprinkler heads. MacGyver would have been proud.
Started off the morning on a rail trail which was real nice. This deposited me into the heart of Trenton. Time for some urban riding. Decided to ride to Asbury Park to do some exploring. Got to see the Stone Pony where music history has been made.
Took a swim in the ocean at Long Beach to cool off. Lasted 5 minutes.
Missed my flight home.
My riding friends Brian and Britney made it to Virginia Beach today.
Chillin with Mallory in Manhattan. Last week I was in Gallipolis, OH with a pop of 3k now NYC with over 8mm..... I can't breath 😳
sanccofarcka Keith Hunt