Sunday, June 21, 2015

Hello Montana

Sorry for spelling errors and duplicate post. The Apple commercials make it look so easy .... it's not.
Happy Father's Day to all the dads. Mallory gave me permission for an extra beer tonight. 

Early morning climb over Lolo Pass, 5120'. Something special about the early morning rides. The air smells different, there are fewer cars, very quite and you see more wild life. Several deer and elk this morning grazing on the side of the road.  
Paul from England joined me for breakfast. He has a lot of traveling exp. with interesting stories. 4 trips throughout US, Europe and New Zealand. Hasn't worked in about 6 years. He's running out of funds and may have to start working again. 
Cyclist plates are alway clean .... waste no calories. He got all proper when I ask to take his photo. 

Met Tom from Trumbull, CT heading east to west which means he's 1000 miles from finishing.  He was riding a recumbent bike and loving the trip. 

Finally cell service and wifi. in Lolo, MT. It been several days and may not to get any better for several more days.  
New map today and new state. 

Now heading south with a big tail wind. Traveled about 29 miles on a bike path. Total for the day 91 miles. Heading toward Yellowstone Park. 
Foxwood Casino needs to be concerned 😳 tons of little casinos in Montana.  

Bitterroot mountain range are different and really majestic. I now get why they say, big sky. 

A day is not complete without a climb. Tomorrow is Chief Joseph Pass, 7241' they're getting higher. 
Mosquitoes droves in my tent tonight, that's a first. As usual, it's still day light and I'm ready for bed. 


  1. That was big of Mallory. Just figured out I could post back. Yeah, I'm in the technology business.

    sounds like you still think this was a great idea. Ride safely and keep posting.


  2. Hope you didn't drink and ride! Happy Father's Day!


Post Ride Thoughts

Mindset for the trip - Whether a good day or a sucky day ...... you are riding a bicycle! I kept this thought throughout the trip and shared...