Saturday, May 9, 2015

Trial Run

1 month and I'll begin my journey. Time for a shake down of bike, equipment and rider. An out and back ride to Burlingame State Park in RI fully equipped. 

The weather was perfect, Mona thought I should wait for a rainy day! 85 miles out and 76 for return. Tried a northerly route heading out which included the Chester ferry, it was good to try some new roads in eastern CT. 

Some observations,
The Surly - the steel framed bike is perfect for a loaded touring machine. Smooth is the word for the Surly. Really it's more like moving a couch. After years of riding a 17lb carbon road bike, you simply pick up your bike when you want to go in a different direction. Not so with a fully loaded touring bike. I've not weighed the Surly, but likely in the neighborhood of 75-85lbs. When you decide to walk your bike in a different direction, you move it like you're moving a couch ..... with wheels.

Rear view mirror - I've never used one before but it was suggested for this tour. I tried one out on the trip and really liked having the mirror. 

Setting up camp - lots of room for improvement. I'll need to become proficient at setting up and breaking down the tent. I'll assume this will come with time. It would have been entertaining to watch, fortunately I was the only camper in the area. 

Sleeping pad and bag - worked very well and nice and comfy. Thermarest does make the best sleeping pads. Amazing comfort for such a small/lite pad. I did wake to a fog horn around 4:00 am. To be expected sleeping so close to the ocean. Big party night, I was in the sack by 9:30. 

Panniers - knowing where everything is packed will be vital. Having to pulled everything out looking for something is no fun. Same goes for packing up in the morning. Experience should fix that. 

Technology - this will be a low tech trip with a basic bike computer (speed, mph & time) and iPhone. I quickly realized the lack of wall outlets in the tent so I've  quickly become adept at "plugging in" any chance I get. In addition to having access to phone home, a fully charged phone will aid in using Google maps and or seeking services. 

In addition to the bike performing fine, so did the body. No aches or pains as of yet. 

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Post Ride Thoughts

Mindset for the trip - Whether a good day or a sucky day ...... you are riding a bicycle! I kept this thought throughout the trip and shared...